UK Performance!

imo it was squiztastic! wp 4-0
float like a butterfly , sting like a bee ...
float --> fly?
L.A.P.D - STINGING like a bee ?
i missed that sqzz flag cap, what he did?
capture a flag ? xD
5 secs from small wall in middle at start to flag and capture with 1 sec left :)
UK is going to get far imo
if for every time sqzz captures a flag a journal would be made all past 25606 journals would be about him :D
ofc! 2bad he lose in knife round 8D
the flying brit :P
His comitment to ET, his teamplay, his movement, his game sense, his attitude, I remember Squirrel, when he first played RTCW for Chindits who later became SynX as a 9 year old he always had something that no other player had, dont ask me what is was, if I knew I would have copied him :p, I am not a fan boy.
you're his father amirite? :d
I think so but there were rumours it was the milkman m8 ;)
ello blueboy met you at i26 if your memorys that good :D
Hi Bulldog m8, yep remember it well, really appreciated meeting you there, you saved the day, very friendly guy and a great attitude also if we had not met you we would have ended up watching WOW all day :o, have you still got that habit of breaking mouse buttons ;)
yeah fat fingers ftw :)
he wasnt that good on rtcw :s
Ger. vs. UK final... 4:2 UK np.
sorry but sqzz is for me the perfect et-player.
dont be sorry =]
he got nice movement thats it :P
just watched the flag cap on a ettv replay, I didn't watch the live game

what the fuck :e
Was some insale flag capping skills, rumour has it he's going to have a movie of mainly flag caps + frags and insane revives etc sounds interesting!
Squizz is the greatest flag capturer of all time.
his flags capt' were amazing :O
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