
I'm a bit bored, but I wonder what or who do you appreciate most in your life? Think of your friends, your parents, girlfriend, pc (:D), car or anything else!

I'll start by telling who and what I appreciate most :P I appreciate most my girlfriend Esther! :P She beat my mom and my best friend! And the thing I appreciate most is our old coffee machine! Absolute great coffee :D

So who/what do you guys appreciate most?

Reaalllyyy old random pic (requested by phage):
Ì appreciate everything in my life. its all good!
going to NL in the summer : DDD
arent u dutch?
He lives in Norway :)
yes i am : D but we* moved to norway .. 10 months ago : >
ahahhaha xDD bit late : <
i appreciate my penis most.
going to SPAIN (Benidorm) in the summer : DDD
I can do without people that play with busted cheaters :)
Estonia indu Estonia deadeye Estonia pela Finland Iratou Canada anim Hungary Us4rmy
all busted cheaters :(
United Kingdom jkzz, stop acting stupid.
Well you said
"I can do without people that play with busted cheaters :)"

and they dont play with jkzz anymore.. so that would mean one of the current players is cheating mr.stupid
No it does not, it doesn't changed the fact that they played with a busted player, since you obviously act retarded to make me look like a fool while you know i'm right. Why don't you recruit some more busted cheaters, when they're banned again you can just say "and they dont play with >insertrandomcheater< anymore". Sorry but I can live without your kind of people
We didnt decide to recruit jkzz at one day, deadeye had been playing for months with him and didnt think he cheated. The screens etc werent valid proof (no matching guids, said by mr. bulldog himself) and it was only an old pbbans entry, which hasnt been used as evidence before, which got him banned..

I guess the whole high skilled ET scene in the Netherlands has played with ex-cheaters like perfo and mize etc, so you must have a large hate list? I can understand why, originally I didnt like the team adding jkzz to the roster, however he is a nice guy with a great gamesense and was a good addition to the roster at that time..
Bullshit, he's a known hacker. The fact that he's a nice guy on ventrilo.. just... Anyways you're right about my hate list
Its always hard to tell, in real life mr.niceguy may be a rapist as well :P
Quotethat play with
the force is not with this young padawan
Us4rmy busted?
>wesbo<, cant live without him
Going to norway in teh summ3R !
omg were?:o
Oslo ! Im dutch but almost my hole family lives in Oslo !
yes i know ur dutch.. When do u go :P i live in Stokke.. 110km from Oslo : >
In the summer ofc ! too bad I cant speak the language : (
i can : D learned the most in 8 months : >

g2g... hope im free though.... only 2 left in the class : DD
wow nice , I only understand it when I hear ppl talking . How did you learned it so fast ?
i got so called "Norsk-Skolen" like 3-4 hours of norwegian everyday :>
lol.. my hometown is sandefjord:>
lol.. u still live there? :P
nah, i live in oslo.

but im going back a few weekends during the summer ofcorse. my father still lives there:> 200 meter from Skjellvika.. a beach in sandefjord:>

<3 Sandefjord!!!
So how do you like it in Norway? As I'm seriously thinking about moving to norway or sweden after my study. Might go there for 6 months in my 2nd or 3rd year of that study for ''stage''. :)
haha stage + earning money? ^^ ull get paid much much more :DDDD
? tell me more! I like the word money!
dunno were u live but like in Holland when ur 17 years (not black work) ull got max 4 euro's netto... here i get like uhmm 12-14 euro's Netto each hour :>(unschooled work xD)
Thy shall not spread lies
I'll start by telling who and what I appreciate most :P I appreciate most my girlfriend Ca! :P She beat my mom and my best friend! And the thing I appreciate most is my old car! Absolute great driving :D
Nice stealing my pro lay out :(
Sorry for stealing your pro lay out :(
;o( this way it looooks like you make fun of my journal but in fact you find one of the best journals ever made, right?
;o( this way it looooks like i make fun of your journal because in fact i find one of the worst journals ever made, right?
Why do you think it's one of the worst journals ever :O(?
It lacks a random pic and proof to bust a random EC player :O(?
I'll add a random picture ;o( though I think it's been posted 3 times before! I could bust myself?! :D
I dont appreciate shit today. I just woke up and first thing that happends is that I step into glas. My roomie had a party this weekend but been too lazy to clean up the glas, which I now got in my foot.
And it cant stop bleeding :(
Disinfect your foot ;o( it stings a bit but rather that than an infection!
Ye. However still got glas in there that I cannot get out myself so think I need go to the hospital.
I was planing a day in the sun! :(
i had that in my heel but with a sewing needle, it went all the way to the bone. very painful!
my mother and my brother both
Did she write that?
Nah, it sounds like I'm ass licking :\ but it's just the simple truth!
I appreciate caej.
i appreciate irZ
#kreutzerkompanie ofc!
You love my music don't you :d
ofc still waiting for "wesbo´s stream" :)
i appreciate school ofc
friends and cheese (cant live without cheese)
im loving this massive spot on my nose :( its that big i cant leave the house incase some twat thinks im carrying a bomb in my face
I love my new kitten <3 kept me awake till 05:00, but still!

image: nana
It's fucking cute :D I love cats! I've got 4 =) think my youngest is half a year old now
+- 7 weeks old now, new since yesterday, it goes to the litterbox out of its own accord, so weird since its from a farm where the parents roamed freely.
cute <3
got 4 cats and 1 dog, several flies and some bugs in the garden :)
omg sheep raper dont tuch me
i love Austriabeasty (aka Loekitty) my cat
image: pic087us8
and almost everything else in my life =]
A lot of stuff.
THe one i appreciate most,****Nuked****, ***nuked***, and then i appreciate my beer supplyer!
myself ofc
my friend's, my life even if isn't nice and stuff, my dog , my lovley kittie who is like a small wampire and the weather in poland - to hot, I feel like in sauna:(
God you poles really are awful at English :<
should I care?

Don't think so
cough, cough, i deserve a special spot in that list </3
my bestfriend katha
why was my comment nuked?
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