school > me

Soo i have been randomly skipping school the whole year and last Wednesday I had this exam thing but I rather went to see my favorite band play that evening.. soo I get called up by my teacher today telling me he wants to talk with me tomorrow and is going to kick me off school.. The only thing to save me is the best excuse to show me that I’m still dedicated for school and why i missed all those school days

If anyone has a great idea let me know :D

Things to consider
i'm emo
music is life
most days i skipped i had driving lessons
My parents divorced this year
I missed a complete week because I was on vacation
I cant do a year over because im doing a MBO education
MBO is the easiest education in the world having an 8+ average
My parents divorced this year
My parents too =((
i meant his excuse. :p
but mine too years ago. but it was the best excuse i had in school, because they wanted to kick me too because of my bad marks.
Admit that you are gay and you have some serious problems with your sexuality at the moment, so it was hard to come to school and meet all those boys.
lol, poistitko ton replyn :(((
En OMG! Joku dynypete varmaa tai emt. Ehikkö lukee?
En ehtiny lukee :(( näin vaan ton viestin että Luuseri has replied to your comment.
Siinä luki "Varmaan otit ton selityksen sun omasta elämästä" Siis ton mikä tos ylempänä on =) Homo pas(h/k)a
Mistä tiesit, että otin ? :o(
Tunnen sut niin hyvin hupsuli ;)

Tekee jotain töitä -> lolyy
Say you were saving the cheerleader, saving the world.
tell them that you got raped by a teacher and to scared to tell anyone
i was a depressed little boy.... use that one
maybe do 1 year again?
its better than going for the next class when u didnt understand stuff of the last year
then u will totally suck
quit school and get flaschensammler"
what exam did u miss to watch a band
we had to organize this evening for parents where we needed to give them a sport lesson
i would have bunked aswell
go to school with a 9mm, it will solve all your problems j/k
Why am I not surprised with a negative comment?
I didnt knew why I should learn, One of my family showed me why exactly i need to learn, what it will help me.

I used this excuse to get into highschool, I dont know if because of that I got into, but it worked.
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