3o3's ??

why is everyone looking for 3o3 teams lately ? i know 6o6 are shite but still
Because it's more fun than 6v6. I personally don't like 6v6, because it's too chaotic.
Sure , thats worth a journal.
3v3 is good aim prac, could be that i guess - or maybe people are struggling to get into decent 6v6 teams these days, it can be pretty hard
nice italy flag, pizza boy l0l! curry > pizza :<
ye i guess im going there so have to get in the mood, by taking a flag of italy on community gaming site.
3o3 ftw!!!
only inbreds play 3on3.
6v6 > 3v3
mavrick dont say your looking for a 3v3 eveyrone will get scared
3on3 is better when you have good friends and when you say something they actually will listen you and not just being rambo.. in 6on6 its more like chaotic or so if the players dont know tactis or listen ingameleader or so..
the reason why it sucks to play with labelone :--P
true dat. chaotic is good but not like this, thats why we recruit new atm
tell me the time
3o3 underrated :<
In 3on3 you don't depend so much on luck like in 6on6. If you're a poor aimer then you just won't win against skilled guys. In 6on6 only one, even lucky, rifle nade or a panzer shot can destroy your team. And in 3on3, I think, skill counts more and that's why more and more people start to prefer it to 6on6 nowadays.

That's my point of view.
I like 3on3 because I never lose.
arrogant bitch :) played with you, your ego is bigger than your skill :D
I have never played with you.
I would too, if someone else said it.
idd, i need 3on3 team :(
kostet 6o6 spielen jetzt geld?
Do you try to be stupid, or do you succeed without intention?
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