Fox News + History

image: pictures_fox_news_history

first , OWNED HE's masterlijk
we found Him like that!
funny tbh
We can read digg as well thank you

Really enjoy watching how much of an idiotic asshole Bill O'Reilly is.
ehe yes, was bestest when that guy owned him and he started screaming. That's all he ever does to try and win arguments, raises his voice and cuts off the opposing side, stupid fuck :P.

That's the one I was thinking of, the "illegal alian" hit and run incident.
What a racist cocksucker he is.

/me likes all the imigrants in my country, we need more! to build our houses and stuff ;<
haha ;D
If Joseph Goebbels would still be alive, he would be very proud at Fox News.
I hate it when i see sky news or fox news when i go to the gym its such a bunch of retarded pr0 american crazy bullshit, omg no, terrorist gonna boom my roof, better odds a meteor will hit me ;< and also that british girl kidnap shit, man, the parents just threw her in the garbage or something, and now they can sell there stories for billions =\
titanic one ownz :D
I would pay for someone to punch O`Reilly in the face.
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