Random Question!!

Some player called melc with his 2 week old etpro guid -> http://www.yawn.be/findPlayer.yawn?gamecode=ET&etproGuid=2CA0D91C94FBB8D7F2CA9D12A1E3D47FD54CA08B

After I asked him for his old nick, he said "chikn" - no entries on yawn :/

Does anyone know him?

I played with him and he kinda pwned hentai, toxic + AzA with 80 headshots on supply and same on goldrush.

He claims to have played EC III as MalcolmX -> http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=1092

Funny how he's member for so long but first xfire posts are today :S

IP Crossreferenced to -> http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=user&mode=view&id=560

Was 141 even alive in EC III ?

Seems to be from Finland, Germany + Sweden, pretty amazing =o

oke bibuy.
random answer!
random reply
random im fine thanks, u?
random everythingisokbuthypeisgay
it's unk
noob hype rly noob"!
it's hAse's new ID
lol dont lie nap ... iam playing with my old guid nap ... hF
sorry was a random running gag but anways hi2u :D
nice joke really :/

iam not some random player who is using old players to get a better name :)

but dunno who he is ...
an interesting mystery
isnt this eLc the yerman pwner ?
MalcolmX Member For: 2 years, 8 months and 21 days
rand0M Member For: 2 years, 10 months and 6 days

he just ownz you hyppo, not everyone is cheater if he pwnz you the wannabe EC skillzor aka hyppo
He was playing on same team as me, n1

Answer my questions properly, otherwise stfu wannabe
anyway, he would pwn u 2, so u whine
care, i'm sure mbudget owns u 2
and you own coOp, so nP4u

(why you comment if you care)
who? what? shut up
want more attention ?
didn't i just tell u to shut up?
can you say it again?
Funny how he's member for so long but first xfire posts are today :S
Maybe he had nothing important to say, same as tom and jerry they didnt know about each other that they can talk because they simply have no reason to do so:D
Was there an EC III ?
dno =/

cb records only go as far as IIX and gunslingers won that so u wud have to be prettttty damn old school to have won EC III :X
hype dou you have demos ? wanna watch them with wolfcam :O
random comment
finland, unexpected
skilled oldskooler
I laughed @ his story too, there was no 141 back then and EC III could've at most been RtCW EC
First RtCW EC was VI.

thought so

gj kamz :P
he is junky for sure
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