cg_autoaction 0

Hi lads, i might sound dumb as fuck here but how do you stop et from auto recording demos im sick of having like 2 gigs worth of demos. i d rather make demo when i feel like it not when et does :/

cg_autoaction 0 doesnt work ???
forced on warservers :-)
thought so, that is really fuckin gay dont you think? its like trying to find a needle in a haystack looking for that demo you pwned in or that game you played with your team last week wtf man its just gay tbh should take it off imo.
Remember that you will have to record offi, no excuses is valid.

And as the demos is date and map named you could easily find what demo you was searching for if you look on your auto generated screenies (and have a somewhat of memory to remember when you did that awesome jump) or you could be engaged and track the demos and place them in separate folders with a fitting tag after every game just like I do.
you sure this works mate? it would save my life tbh im sick of searching through 2 gigs worth of (2007-06-11-202307-sw_goldrush_te.dm_84) demos
double check please! :D much appreciate it :)
Newest CB config forces record. On publics it should work. Just do /stoprecord and /record "clanx.mapx.roundx" if you want to find them later on.
rename the demos to something short like, map+nr (sd1)

then /demo sd1

shouldnt take long to find what you're looking for
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