Rivatuner/ATI Traytools (fer3s)

Does anyone know how to use Rivatuner for ATI Card or how to use ATI Traytools?
I want to get my ET smoother with higher lobdias or picmip or sth, but the trees and bushes should stay, anybody knows how to do that and could help me?
thx in advance
4 rivatuner ask raziel XD
ask razz imo
ati tool can set to ~ picmip 5
somewhere in tray tool. not hard to find.
but i uninstalled traytool
ja dus jij kan ook met je radeon razz nadoen
razz had picmip 15 ;( wil ik ook maar kan wss niet :( sad panda
HACKER! probeer met Ati tray tool of met ati tool kan het ook als het goed is
i'm sorry for not being able to help you like you helped me fer3s. you're a sweetheart
i use rivatuner only for changing gamma, brightness and contrast
it's very usefull cuz u can save these settings and switch them for every map...

but someone told me that rivatuner is forbidden at all?.?.?. 4shoa??
No it's not forbidden, it's only forbidden if you change the gamestyle in that way that you get a advantage, like no bushes/trees
with ati graphic cards u cant use rivatuner so well. Only for Gamma, Brightness and Contrast. With nvidia graphic card u can change the picmip. Thats all i know :p
thats why i hate ATi Cards
ive got also one :/
fer3s did u found it?
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