
your help!!
since a few days i can't hit shit anymore , it's like the enemy's are becomming unhittable and i can't shoot any headshots.I guess most of the ET-players have gotten such a dip.
How the fuck can you get out of it? should i cut off my hands or something?

pls any method is good , i'll try it all
You got the overboost syndrome!
hoi edwintjuh, hoest met WoW :>
Bijna level 67.. :z
met je DraenEI of Night Elf Hunter ?
M'n Hunter is al lang level 70, m'n Draeneike natuurlijk! :o)
nice, ik ga binnenkort het hele spel kopen en dan BC ook miss, maar week nog nii cker, maar dan ga ik echt jou zo hard owne :o]
en ik ben ook met ET gestopt .. echt bagger begint het te worden met al die hackers etc, het word te paranoia
stfu tegen overboost!
voor jou? volgens mij ken ik hem beter als jou en jij moet je bek maar is houden imo, zoek iemand anders om te stalken =]
ja jij bent vast en zeker ze beste mattie!
Oh and the best method is to leave ET alone for the rest of the day, stressing about a game sucks!
agreed we all moved to wow now since 3 weeks, it s the best method :p

lvl 43 now YUSSH
What realm do you play on?
Illidan with shewie mika Tsu and the others, we made a guild and we kinda suxx :) but wow is fun.
aim at the head while holding down your fire button (default mouse1), worked for me
* sarcasm mode -.- *
oooooooh ok that is what i was doing wrong , ok no help needed anymore

xD wonderful advice
just get a week off from the game if you come back you will be the new mystic or at least you will get your old aim back, worked for me
Ive had that, it solved when i executed my config, and rinsing out the etpro folder. I mean, it was insane. None of the bullets registered, even on ppl standing still. I recorded and no one believed me.
just don't play for 1 week, then start again, nP
cut off your hands
Don't play for about 1 year, then try again.
If that fails, go for Mashed's method.
If that fails, go for twister's method.
If that fails, download nexus ;-)
try to cut yr hands off, then start up PC, then say ur leaving nolife mode and hang urself to a vishing cord on ur little sisters bedroom and leave a note with fu2
*UPDATE* don't bother, go outside and enjoy a game of soccer/rugby/tennis/jogging/free-running/hopscotch
what about basketball?::c
I think it has to do something with your packetloss, sometimes I can't even hit shit, even when I'm aiming on his head :x
oldskool is een way of life G
Ja, het is geen skill! Dus later Jasper, als je een ouwe man bent en je heb kleinkinderen dan ben je dus OVER THE TOP SKILLED YO!
try to smash ur mouse as hard as possible into ur monitor it wil help
clean your gear + et folder and check for viruses LOL

take a bit of time off

dont think about it
throw you pc out of the window and buy a new one.

never blame yourself, that's bad for you ego (:
of all the answers given here , this one seems to be the most logical , thx man
had the same problem and my aim is slowly comming back to me.
just try to practice alot. good teamm8's help alot because they aint whining about your performance.
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