quality test.

I just need your dictom about this quality.

You can download the clip here: http://rapidshare.com/files/36771869/frostbite.mp4.html

Sry for my poor english.
hi, those two testclips where not enough to make a wank, need more...
Thank You guys xD
np mate, you know id do anything for you
Thank you <3, btw can i have some cookies?
sure, just logout and there they are!
Well, Doesn't works. Help me a bit pls mate!
green blood, this sucks
thats not blood, its that fart cloud when a player gets hit

and its green cuz the refresh rate isnt high enough
yeah, fart cloud/blood, about the same.
For me it always happened when i recorded fullscreen
You mean r_displayrefresh ?
omg dont say sry for ur bad english ffs
says who....:>
me. because its not his motherlanguage. so nothing to excuse imo
too big, 22 mb for 15 seconds of frags then 7 seconds of blacks screen, thats bad :P
Yes i know whats the problem, but i was too lazy 2 render it again :D
Now is the opportunity to get inside the brain of the people who post these tests.

You're posting a QUALITY test...but you already know that the filesize is too big? WAY too big infact...and you're just too lazy to do it again??? I'd love to hear the motive behind this.

By the way superboyy, you can have a low refresh rate, and still not get the green smoke. If you're using a resolution that your monitor can't handle ET with 32-bit Colour Quality, it will automatically force it to 16-bit colour quality. Just get ET-Minimizer and check the Display Settings while ET is running.

I had this problem with my old monitor, my windows was 1152x864/75Hz/32bit...when I ran ET at 1280x960 it would force it to 60Hz/16bit. However, if I changed windows to 1280x960/60Hz/32bit, before I started ET...I wouldn't get the green smoke problem.

Sorry if I sound harsh adze but I get linked to quality tests all the time, and although the quality itself is often good, but encoder has usually slapped a ridiculously high bitrate on it, so it's just useless.

Taking into account the amount of action in this clip, it's well over 1mb/sec. If on the otherhand, you want some comments about config...post some screenshots.

Good luck and stuff. :)
Thanks for help =)
btw, not the bitrate was the problem of the size. :)
very nice qually, good frag but noob clan meight....
with megui @ HQ-Slowest profile you can get better quality and size.
to much color 2.
Gl with the rest
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