CS EC ( aTTax vs SK )

just finished speccing the first playoff round of the CS 1.6 EC, Germany aTTax versus Sweden SK Gaming. After three maps Sweden SK was able to win that match, which was pretty exciting.
Both Teams had some nice runs and even for a "non cs guy" like me it was fun to watch it.
For people who are interested to read a short match report, just click here.

Good night and sleep well :)
halts maul
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noooo! :<
Whats the SK lineup these days?
allen, bds, fisker, gosey, RobbaN, SpawN
so wrong.
it's "fisker, RobbaN, Spawn, allen and Striker"
bds and gosey are teammanagers and striker joined them before the escw qualifier afaik
didnt know that.. im not as in the cs scene as u.. but im interested so ty for the infos =)
me neither...but some matches on such a top level are rly nice to spec
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