
image: coffee
Good morning Xfire!

I noticed that after 4 or 5 maps my concentration drastically decreases. Reflexes get slower, I don't see where I get shot from, overall hand-eye coordination gets worse etc.
Do you have these problems, too?

btw drinking a lot of coffee seems to help a bit, so what do you do to increase your performance?

Looking forward to your comments!
change vid settings each 2 mins...
rofl my concentration drastically decreases after 1 lost map...
Well, after 1 lost map you still can win ;)
oppenent leaves 2-2
its strange it always happes when im there
omg same with u? how it can be possible?
if i've been playing all day i usually start playing shit at like 3:30- 5. so i take 2 hour break and my aim is back :)
until i go sleep :)
never happened to me :*(
liegt daran das et nach zuviel zgn einfach nur langweilig ist : )
ephedrine np
dont drink too much coffee.
i know some guy that is addicted to coffein, believe me that is not funny... only getting rif of the addiction is impossible... :<
Nah, I started drinking coffee at the age of 5 and stopped 2 years ago. I never felt addicted to caffeine :)
but it is possible and not nice
What happened to the guy you know? It can't be much worse than being addicted to cigarettes or alcohol...
well first of all he is totally down and sleepy all the time and needs permanent supply of coffee and coffein.
For example he doesnt trust himself to be able to drive anymore, when he doesnt have atleast 2 cans of redbull in his car, he would instant sleep during driving...

another thing is that we wanted him to play something with us in the evening (was at a hotel) and he was only sleepy, then he went to the coffeemachine and made himself a glass of 7 (!) expressos. when he drank them, he was for a short time pritty normal... but you know... i think he doesnt have a nice life...
Why doesn't he stop drinking? After 2 weeks without caffeine he should feel better... Or he could try to drink a bit less every day.
like an addiction would be something to get rid of easily ^^
It depends on the person. If you really want it, you can do it.
Of course, if you're addicted to heroin it's a lot more difficult to get clean than from a cigarette-addiction for example.
every addiction is hard to get rid of tbh ^^
Same. Just disconnect..
et's liek 1 round = 15 minutes full concentration

cod = chill when u are dead !!!!

i rly like cod, and it doesnt get boring, i can play it for hours :)
After some time it gets boring, too. And CoD movement sucks =)
you can chill when you sk on full
30 seconds :D

cod -> 2 min!
Coffee or redbull doesn't help with me anymore .... If I drink them or not .. i still get sleepy
dunno ¯\(º_o)/¯
You should try Concentration Camps...
thats when i start to get warmed up...
between maps, take a walk if you feel youre performance getting attached :) just down the stairs, get a drink - think about something else.. or change playstyle from aggressive - defensive ..
Its known that movement/activity makes you feel beeter/less sleepy and +++ on concentration, I do a walk /get a drink/food after every match t last wash my face, altought mosty opponents leaves after 1 round of getting pwnzored
Change your playing style, or just take a 10 min. break or something. I usually have a bottle of water next time with which I refresh my mind. CLEANSING WATER!!111
Not rly, I usually feel bored/tired/whatever after 5 maps too, quite normal. Just take a small break and get back.
play another game ( not a fps )
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