disponewbjes journal (english version)

I need advice conserning a decision that could change my future.
I have for a long time suspected my girldfriend to be unfaithful. Lot of signs.
When the phone calls and she hang up, someone calls and hangs up the phone etc.
She is often "Out with the girls" and when i ask who they are its always someone from work that i havent got any contact with.
I try to check after her taxi when she comes home but she always walk the last part and i hear a car driving away.
A couple of days ago i picked up her mobile just to see what time it was and she got totally mad,
she screamed that i should never ever touch her phone and to stop snooking around.
Anyway.. i havent talked to her yet about this. I think that deep inside i dont wanna know the truth, but yesterday i decided to check her out.
I decided to hide behind my moped to get a good view over the whole street to see what car she comes out of.
It was while i bended over behind my moped i realized that i had rust in the whole back of the wheel.
Do you guys think i should leave my moped to a workshop or should i buy new stuff on "Mekonomen" and fix it by myself?

Den var bra, men var den så bra?

old joke tbh but still I lol'd
hahahaha xD
Hi nordan :D
he just need to talk to her about this
actually its old joke, and i saw this in many languages
lolollo noway !
1998 called, it wants its joke back
this is fucking old?
Nice joke, for few moments I actually tought newbje got a girlfriend.
Actually i got a girlfriend, a girl you just dream about.
picz or lies
who took the first picture? your pet maybe?!
ps: your girlfriend is cute actually
nope the camera itself took the picture, you can change settings and put a time on 10 sec or smth:P
give me a pic @ ur girlfriend cool-skater-boy !
im single atm, i could post pictures of the girls im after, but i dont think they would appreciate it ;).

Btw, ur gf is not really ugly, just not my type
Btw 2 : skateboarding =! skaterboy
She is not really in ur age neither..
yeah i figured as much :)
holy shit
a shiny pidgey
nice journal
wallhack will be usefull to see from she s coming from!!
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