poker (kiss)

Hi guys,

I want to start poker :DDD::d:/D://D//D:d:d:DD

Where do you play?
Tell me the combos or smth :D
preflop all-in always!
only thing in poker that makes it fun -.-
PM ME for poker hacks
what, speedhack works in poker AND ET?
lekker snelle reply neyo
speedhack ofc ;-)
ng (ng)
looks fancy, don't you think? (ng)
Contact me if you can play this game, then I will bash you a couple of times.
heyo beerhund
nummer 2 is toch je community Neocheating: The Rising Menace
sucks, you get the same cards over and over and over and over and over again
yea really, It was weird. everytime I played 8 out of 10 hands I got 9 / king
like i care? i like pkr more then all the partypoker , everestpoker shit
Parent is very good imo =)
pkr is to slow with all the shit u can do, pokerstars for real skilled pokerplayers like me !! <3
or ofcourse use a speedhack
Play with black

Dont watch your cards only go all in

Nothing to do wrong

Often you lose but often you win ! xD
learn to play first, then start with real money.

(or start with tiny stakes real money and read alot of articles and whatever to improve).
the real pro speaking!
I dunno if i am going to play with real money :D
thx for the advice anyway :d
playing poker without any cash involved = stupid.
;D , I won't start playing with real cash without being even able to understand it :d
poker is overhyped.
bind fire mouse1 shud be ok
kiss dont fake nunca plz
start praccing, read alot on pokerforums, read alot of books (slansky and harrington on hold'em are great). Start on tiny stakes and work your way up.
I did the same and now im winning nice amounts. (yesterday 300, day before 175$. Avarge month around 1500$) I started last november on small amounts so prepare to invest some time in it
I've been playing for well over a year on and off and I'm just starting to be consistently profitable. Its really not as simple as you think when you start, so play low stakes ( 0.05/0.10) and maybe read a poker book. I won a 130man Pot limit hold em tournament last week for $192 \o/

EDIT- er what he said^
real cash poker on partypoker, play money just isnt real poker ;)
maybe play for real money
accoreding to your profile youre 16, how can you play real money games?
low skilled poker players
is there any site where i can play poker via java, w/o downloading anything?
ive got linux, cant install these shitty shit things :<
Net poker sucks play live games! get your mates into it and have games around your house.
But I want to learn it first.
Its better to learn with your mates
But there are not much friends playing poker :<
16 years old and owner of a mastercard? :d
yes thats weird
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