quadv stream sucks

it's too fast and goes out of sync, thats why I never listened to Splodge.
is it only me ?
same here, every 2 minutes :<
yeh its faster then whats actually happening, plays at like 1.05x speed
With windows media too?
fine for me.
only in windows media i think!
same here
same here
same for me :<
it lags yes
yes it's coming out of stream I was infront of the shoutcast at GR then after you said fight about a good 4-5 seconds earlier
Same here,
shoutout to zero please toss!<3
Using winamp, it's the same for me. Thought I was in sync, and then tosspot goes "We're starting in 3...2" and I was on 9
No, it doesn't goes out of sync here.

Edit: I wasn't on ETTV with the second map.
TosspoT @ time traveling skillZ
no it became way faster during the mapchange imo...
i was almost synched up but then i had 10 seconds delay
winamp here, i syncup and suddenly you're a few seconds ahead. as if et is slower, dunno.
nothing new to me. every round you notice that it is out of sync.
Happened to me a few times some time ago. It's because of the server or your own lag. Change ettv server and it should be better.
Might be the ettv going out of sync, I remember it happening on the impact gaming ettv servers so maybe its happening on another.

(ofc if most people are getting the same problem its probably a quadv issue)
its fine with vlc here
Ok it's even worse now for some reason, it advances ALOT now.
same, in both winamp and qcd
The server im on seems laggy, i think its that not the cast.
I changed ETTV servers 3 times, still the same
Well all ETTv servers I have been on lately lagged quite a bit.
fine for me.
what ETTV are you on ?
#Auxilia ETTV (no laggs for me :&)
awesome tv server! who is admining it?
dunno, i guess some noob :`(
also I don't mean mapchanges, it's normal that it goes out of sync then (loading times diffrent for everyone)
its not only quadv....i used to listen to tosspot when he was with iTG and it was the same. After the first map it gets out of sync. This particualr game (TLRvsPro5) went 10 seconds.

I use vlc and usually i have no problem but lately yes it goes out of syn sometimes during the game :/
vlc > * tosspot <3
thats normal, u load the map slower than toss.. im not talking about mapchanges ffs.
On this TLR vs Pro6 match it can be perfectly sync'd and in the space of 2 minutes it goes out of sync by about three quaters of a second. Over the space of a whole match you could end up well out of sync I suppose and by the end of one long round maybe a few seconds. Not that big of a deal tbh, just pause for about 2 seconds at the end of each round (depending on how long it was) and you're sorted.

EDIT: tosspot has just said it works with VLC without problems, but I've been using that since the begining and get the problems above.

EDIT 2: 6 seconds out of sync from the time it took at the end of frostbite 1st round (when I last re-sync'd) and the begining of the 3rd map radar
me @ radar // 7 seconds every 3 minutes
6 seconds out of sync just by waiting for the second round to start on radar....:/ it didnt invole map changes!
yepyep use VLC, its fixed with that for me
i use vlc :/
Same happens with mplayer on linux
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