
title says it all

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we will bring you back little mapo of me
pancakes >:R
plz no railgun ty

bring back oasis and not that crap with the train
fuck railgun ,

welcome back oasis
fuck off OASIS FTW!
Egypt sw_oasis_b3
Caen ftw! nagosh_2 ftw! Minas Tirith ftw!
Oasis is for n00bs.
Every low+ team can defend the guns...

I really like the design of Railgun, although the map in its current state is unplayable.

Radar > all, best map ever!!
Glider for zeh win
railgun is a good weapon
railgun needs SW version without snow like they did with Fueldump
just played railgun 6on6 ^^
pummel > shaft > rocket > rail
tbfh should bring back the oldschool maps instead of these pig shit fuck up maps bremen and the one no1 can pronouce. They look like my dogs breakfast and its just not cricket at the end of the day.
and this is proof that there is justice in the world, thankfully you have no control over competitive ET

Woot! Let's play fueldump and oasis! 30 minute fullholds yay! Let's bring back XP too while we're at it!

Oh wait, shit.. I'm replying to your comment. Damn.

edit: And are you serious about being unable to pronounce karsiah? Maybe your inner circle of inbred monkey-feces consuming peons could have trouble pronouncing it, but I'm sure the rest of the world does just fine.
go swollow a knife.
just played instagib
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