linux help

having trouble with windows over and over again i decided to comfort my very best friend with linux. as im a _TOTAL_ noob concerning this whole stuffz i need some hints from you such as tutorials which are easily understable and start from the very beginning (install) to the very end, download links aso.

id be veryvery thankful, and the one that helps me most will get all my love + access to my renders (its all i have to offer :/ )

thanks in advance, julianK<3
Just get an easy to install distro like Suse ( or Fedora ( or Ubuntu ( Insert the CD and follow the menus.

kk thanks for all your love :-)
Use ubuntu linux, then you can use as help.
I'd like this too but I am a noob in this too. :<

DONT get the vicious gentoo please
for a beginner? stop being retarded
even a beginner can install and maintain gentoo (thats what I did), but you need to read thru a hell of tutorials.

I guess that's not what he wants.
1. Get a desktop-cd of Ubuntu.
2. Boot on it.
3. Install.
4. ??????
1 steal the underwear
2 ?
3 profit!
If you have an ATI card, it will be a mess to install it anyway ^^

Same for nvidia, because I reïnstalled my Linux, but I can't install my drivers. X Server is giving probs anytime :(
same, can't install linux distro's that use xserver, they hate my mobility x1600 and there are no good drivers for the mobility series, not even windows ones.
don't buy/support such hardware then

easy as that
I need a laptop for school, and my search criterias had nothing to do with linux, but I still like to experiment.
the answer depends much on ur current situation. how much time u want to invest in learning and installing/configuring, what results u want to achieve(ultra tuned os, stable running desktop setup, gaming performance, special desktop effects ...)? how good is your general knowledge about pcs, networking, etc and what hardware you have?
if u expect something being ready for normal end-users after a simple point and click installation, you might find out that there are very few distributions promising and delivering that, and that their setup is fairly common and maybe even bloated (although customizable). among those i would mention suse ( and maybe mandriva ( Dont let yourself get fooled by people suggesting ubuntu ( for that purpose. although its a fantastic distro the chance u end up on some commandline-shell editing config files to make things work is pretty high. if u are not scared of this, it is truely a good solution. very recent versions of the included programs, very clean system layout, but just not ready for normal computer users without time or will to learn.
if you want to learn the system from its roots (i personally think its worth it) do the hardcore way of installing gentoo ( or lfs (, but with gentoo keep ur hands off the automated installer and do a stage 1 install. they both have a brilliant step by step installation manual, but plan like 2-3 days or more for letting your pc compile the whole os and software from source ;) also their documentation (specially gentoos) is really helpfull for solving probs with other distris.
also a nice place to look for tutorials is, the linux documentation project.
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