esl cheater rehab

QuoteThe penalty points for the cheating offence are, in case of rehabilitation, reduced to 7 for the player and 5 for the team. The statistics will however not be reinstated.
If the player, however, concerns himself with the subject actively and intensely, he deserves a second chance. After at least six weeks the cheater receives the one-off opportunity of handing in an essay on the topic of cheating in multiplayer games. The exact subject of the essay is individually determined. The complete essay must be handed in within 2 weeks after the subject was decided upon. It is then closely surveyed for a week. If it complies with the requirements (form and length) and if its content is convincing, the cheater may receive the chance of rehabilitation.

is seriously lol.
cuz ur g33k
yea this sux, u need premium to see ur own awards :s
I don't see anything wrong with it.
pretty smart
I like the idea.
Pretty nice idea =)
If people really regret enough, they are capable of writing an essay, so nice idea.
7 penalty points is 1year 2month ban still?
i doubt theres gon be alot of essays
How can I write an essay?
lol new identity with new etproguid > wiriting an essay ;/
Not if you are highskillor, if you change guid and name, you will lose everything you've build..
np fake old hifhskiller "iam SoD np" the cheatingmajority are not highskill :(
ecl -> european cheater league imo
can you write for me? Heard you are such a skilled essaywriter!
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