Black screen..


I have been having this problem with my ET. I have a new laptop and it's specs are:

(11:46:52) (Wesbo) (CPU1) Intel® Core™2 Duo CPU T7100 @ 1.80GHz @ 800MHz (Packard Bell BV PB3 mainboard) (RAM) 2GB, 1.3GB free (HDDs) 290GB, 266GB free
(11:46:52) (Wesbo) (VGA1) NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GS (256MB), 1440x900x32, 59Hz (OS) Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Home Premium , 30m 39s uptime, 3d 6h 52m 43s uptime record

First I had problemst whilst running ET under vista but after I fixed that it run just fine and I could get 125 fps stable. From one day to another it just stopped working though. If I open ET now I will see my console that loads (as it normally does) but after it should launch the actual game I just get a black screen and I have to open taskmanager and close ET (which says it crashed). I have not installed anything nor have I changed anything in my graphic settings.. Help?
hmm i dunno im just bored:D
try these few options:

reinstall ET
delete your config
reinstall your gfx drivers
check for virusses / spyware
Nice options!
hi irish skydeh
Hi finish Kiss
actually i am belgian (secret)
actually im irish (secret)
Reinstall worked but it's weird it stopped working =\
had exactly the same, when I removed the FS_game etpro from the shortcut, it worked again. I could load ETpro from the MODmenu without probs. But when I tried to put FS_game etpro in the shortcut the problem was back. Reinstall worked yes...
r_fullscreen 0
r_displayrefresh 0
r_mode 4

if et still gives you a black screen, something else is wrong.
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