emo ?

saturday night... just got back from work 1 hour before. Friends not around... gf? (i rly need to think is she my gf or not) donno... party? tired for it...

advices? tips? tricks?

be emo and cut myself
play et and be addicted again

EDIT: 2nd beer home @ alone means alcoholism?
Eat and eat till you burst, and then eat even more.
You'll find out after you burst. It's worth it. ;-)
Great tactics, always works for me. But the thing that sucks the most about these tactics: + 2 hours @ fitness school
1 beer at home on your own and your alcoholic or just gay
drink beer, play et and then cut yourself?
bleh, all my friends are not going out tonight

im bored :<<
cut yourself
do something useful, work out like mad and then go to sleep when you get really tired. If you don't wanna go out that is :P.

edit: drinking beer alone @ home is cool, i'm doing it aswell \o/ (tho i'm going out).
thanks god than i havent got any desease
Quotethen is an adverb used to express a consequence, or a decription of time. It rhymes with pen.

I took all of the exams in the morning, and then I spent the rest of the day catching up on sleep.
Back then we knew what was expected of us.
Look over the study guide first, and then if you still have questions bring them up in class.
First you sit down, and then you raise your hand.
If you want to go abroad, then you will have to find some funds first.

than is a conjunction used with comparisons. It rhymes with pan.

He is taller than I am.
We learned more on the playground than we did in the classroom.
The hothouse tomatoes cost far more than those from the farmers' market.
Other than the interest on a small inheritance, he had no income.

watch some movies?
i admit i am too weak for et ... too emotional for serious realtionships (ye with girls Loekino) and too bored to lie now
yes , i am em0
du vá di di dám di ri rám?
play ET and get addicted to it again m8 :)
find fast a girl and do it like me.
otherwise, drink some beers, play et, hf with some freaks on vent.
Quotefind fast a girl

I believe it costs money?
well if u dont know some girls who maybe wants to hf with u... then it will cost a bit ;)
play et with me all night long!
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