tournementdm2 re-release


image: shot0ys6
tournementdm v.2.0
After realising a couple weeks back that this map had actually been used in a 1v1 final after it's original release date which was about 2 years ago as a fun map (and slated for being quite the boring final) I decided to redesign the original map 'tournementdm2' into this new design, it wont play the same as previous release and should hopefully be quite enjoyable to play, adding another dimension into a 1v1 map by adding health racks (at strategic locations) and a side tunnel from the original spawn which should hopefully help counteract the spawncamping noted in the flame journal. ( flame! )

List of changes:
2 Stairways added on either side of the centre of the map.
2 Healthracks on either side of the centre of the map.
A bridge has now been put ontop of the spinning ET logo which allows easier passage to the other side.
The old bumps in the map which gave you cover at the start have been changed, boxes have also been added as cover.
All boxes are breakable after 3-4 bullets adding another dimension, temporary cover.
Bugfix ; the pillars which would sometimes be shoot-through are now fixed and u cant actually shoot through them, at all!

Below are some screenshots of the new map:
Anonymous screen1
Anonymous screen2
Anonymous screen3
Anonymous screen4
Anonymous screen5

Download: to help host please pm me @ #7squadron / #crossfire
Anonymous Mirror 1: [url][/url]
Anonymous Mirror 2: courtesy of Nordrhein-Westfalen _ng
Anonymous Mirror 3: courtesy of United Kingdom Red

Hope you enjoy, peace! \o/

first. nice work =)
nice, <3 that map
looks nice
mm..looks like a 1on1 map wich i can like instead of all the others.
nice =)
*tournament? or is a typo on purpose?
was originally a typo but was too much hassle to rename
Nice modified, i think it will be more fun now :>
you compressed it again cuz its a different size to mine?
was uploading ;) should be okay now.

Quote by /bin/bash[eraser@server24 stuff]$ md5sum
can u still shoot through the pillars in the middle ( n1 feature ! )
QuoteBugfix ; the pillars which would sometimes be shoot-through are now fixed and u cant actually shoot through them, at all!
not sometimes, always! if u knew how
well test it and tell me :P
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