circumcision sucks

Yep true that.

It was only done in the old days, for hygenic reasons. But today's hygenics are so good, that it isn't necessary.
There actually arent any medical advantages from it, so it is all for nothing.
It is to make your penis look bigger olololol
click my profile, when counter hits 50 i go to bed :D
thx, good night<3 :D
didnt encounter any problems yet rly
Mikey, the laddies prefer a willy without a hood.

If only they could find a big enough scalpel sword to cut mine.

And on which fact do you base that comment?
personal research, he never got one
surely the sheer thickness would require some sort of motor to cut through?

Word amigo, word.
haha owned. Where do they perform circumcision anyway? In America I know they do, cause obviously they need it in case the person will become a bum which is likely.

and Israel also?
where else?
all over the world wherevers phimosis rly

edit: and malta ofc
rly in malta :O?
Well lucky me im just moving there :D
guess whats right behind duty free shops! its teh balls-off doc with his ogre battleaxe!
Thats a lot of bs
I assume you are circumsized then :)))
Yes, and I like it :)
I guess its kind of hard to argue when you dont have a foreskin to back you up m8 !
I have been circomcised 1,5 year ago at the age of 26 , was VERY painful but in the end I was very happy with it. Sex got better and I can pee properly again =]

FYI haha
Your sex got better, which means you could perform longer? I.E you lost more feeling and you can keep on doing it longer !
you got it!
saw a documentary about this. 1 guy who got circumsized said that he would kill the doctor who did that to him if he would find him, because he didnt enjoy sex anymore.
Btw why would u cut a part of your penis off, its just like cutting a finger off and sayin its better to have 4 fingers.
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