hi im drinking water:>

Ur opinion plz
Keep it up. Do know that you can't drink more that 5 liters of water successively. It's not good for you.
you can drown if you do that. there was a case of a girl who took ecstacy and kept on drinking glass after glass of water (as im sure you know you get really really thirsty), she eventually drowned in her own body. not nice!
I've studied ecstacy for a while, and compared to all the other drugs there is, we know jackshit about it. Every person responds different on it. One would say that this is also the case with other drugs, but atleast we know more about them.

I really would like to say(yea right, as if someone would listen here) that you should avoid ecstacy at all costs.

And it's true, drinking a lot of water successively will lead to drowning in your own body. That's why I told him not to drink a lot.

I think that the maximum your body can handle is 3-4. Ofcourse, this also depends on your height, weight, etc.
you shouldnt spend too much time on studying things and start getting social! your buddylist is pretty empty :<
Pretty narrow minded of you to make such a statement don't you think? Do get your facts together before making such statements.

I am however aware that it was meant as a joke, but do check my actitivity(if it's possible) here on crossfire. You will see that I'm hardly commenting here. Thus resulting that I have more of a life than you describe.

My buddylist is empty because I choose not to add anyone. Why would I want to add someone? What would I be gaining? Friendship? Perhaps that would be something usefull if I were to be active in the ET scene, but I'm not. So why adding people? If I need to know something I would PM a person. If it's friendship I need I would look for friends in real life. Not on the internet. And friends I have, in real life that is.

Why shouldn't I be studying? You shouldn't be following "those" who say that 'people who study too much are nerds and have no friends'. Why should you follow them? Why would you want to become one of the grey mass? I for one do not want to become a grey mouse(it's what I call people who follow other people, putting their own creativity aside, not thinking for themself etc).

Knowledge is power.
knowledge is actually power, youre right about that
and your assumption was right, i was joking.

nevertheless you can add me as a buddy if you want to! :D

+ im not assuming that people who are studying are nerds; im following the "gymnasium" system in the netherlands now which is basically the highest form of education here, which will eventually mean that im going to uni...
Quote by xRionevertheless you can add me as a buddy if you want to! :D

Thanks for the offer.

Quote by xRioim following the "gymnasium" system in the netherlands now which is basically the highest form of education here

I know, been there, done that. And it's called A-level in English, so you know :) There might be an assignment where you have to write English letters and tell what you do. Now you know how gymnasium should be written in English. Have fun with that point already in the bag :)
haha thank you very much ill try to remember it :D
actually you won't drown, you'll die because you fuck up your stomach or something (only if you drink ALOT of water in a small amount of time)
aldi apfelschorle
ziemlich deluxe
aldi eistee (pfirsich)
apfelshorle is da BOM
aldi eistee is much better
no water no fun :[
no bitches no fun
no spam no fun
great man thats how it should be
tea > water
would u like a cup of shut the fuck up
"i dont drink water, fish fuck in it"
can you send me some? i wanna taste it too
ice tea > water
cold water + squashed lemons in it > all
lemonada :?
red bull > milk > water
WARNING CB cfg kickban red bull users ( cheaters ) .
wodka lijkt op water :)
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