Roll down text

Okok, i'm stupid, but i rly need to know this since im updating my profile

How the hell to make such a text that when you click on it the text comes out...
[ hide=<name of what you want to hide> ] <what you want to hide> [/ hide ]

without the spaces ofcourse
what shows when you clcik

it decreases your dick! WHAHAHAHA
noooooooooo not teh first :<
dont bust me pls :< being the first poster to this journals is my life , i dont have anything except crossfire journals :<
n1 lets start the ultimate save-the-first-poster-coz-they-dont-have-anything-else-in-their-lives campaign !
I DO CARE ABOUT FIRST POST its like you know if you got a small penis like 7cm or stuff like that and if you are the first poster its increasing for about 390128309128598 cms so you got like the biggest penis for around 5-10 secs and thats why you always have to be the first poster.... THATS WHY I CARE ABOUT IT :<
sure thing you just have to test it ! its one of the biggest miracles in human history :s if it didnt work for you maybe you are like not the chosen one like i am so i dunno if its working for "normal" ppl

im not the super undead warlock im playing? :<
You Sir don't talk in proper english except you were falling asleep on your H and E button.
k im sorry for you that your dad died :( if you wanna talk about things i know some nice doctors that are helping me.. and if you need help with anything else just pm aux`haZer coz he's like uba lifeless / workless n stuff keke? :o

and pls dont commit suicide coz the world wouldnt be the same without you BATMAN
k but you know its like low if batman runs because spiderman is eating ramen :/
don't run without runnerboots else you will get sick of running :S
falling asleep? :<
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