banned from nC forum

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You have been banned for the following reason:
not needed

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

now i'm a sad panda! :'(
nice selfbust!
same 1 year ago or smth ^^
not needed, removed the cookie's, now i'm back.
they ban over cookies? i thought they were supposed to be highsk1lled c0ders.. :D
they banned only my username, but i couldn't logout anymore, since i was banned. so i only removed the cookie's from my browser and was back as non registered user.
Ah.. makes more sense
Im the webmaster
Quote by nCForum rhand rhand is offline

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Same story for et.
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vBulletin Message

You have been banned for the following reason:
Do some research on how to achieve a bigger brain, you frikkin' ogre.

Date the ban will be lifted: Never
Cheaters always win.
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