The last Harry Potter

Thanks to w0ot for sending it to me.

IMO: The book was good I did not really like the ending. And all the book built up to was the sex scene between Ginny and Harry not the killing of Voldermorat. I still enjoyed it tho.

How is that a spoiler?
When the new harry potter will be in the cinema ?
5 part will be in cinemas @ summer

not until 2010
theres sex in harry potter?
its a fake one.....idiot
Hm I dont think so, it was a bit random with the sex scenes tho
it is fake, you cant get the book, before its published oO unless it gets stolen from the author itself
sure...theres is no way for illegal copys of any media these days...and for sure the author is the only person who has the book before! do u believe urself? or was it just jokin..?!?
tbh have you heard about the security they are taking to prevent stealing the 7th book? the guys who need to print the book actually have to do it in pitch dark so they couldn't read it or steal it, also all the books that are out in store backrooms etc stuff are in like safes and only rowling and her publishing guys know the pw and stuffs
yes and i also heard bout thousands of copy protections, laws and stuff...but we got stuff like HL2 or Lord of the rings before publishing...k, HP is sth like the bible but i doubt they can make 100% sure that piracy has no chance!
ofc they can't make it 100% sure
Want me to send mine then ? :)

Original , 1 day before publishing of the book

Hm I am still not sure it was fat long
Oh are you fucking kiddin me
Need more fake Harry Potter books! How hard can it be to wait until July 21st and buy it in the store?
So who wrote that book I have just read then?
wtf really confused now some explain ;(
Ah yes, I forgot about that. Outside world...brrrr!
it was like 659 pages of pdf format nd took me 5 days zomg
at least u could learn how to reply now..
ask perfo
rofl hello just got back from my exam :D
wished i had studied instead of reading the fake book
heard it was fake on google :(

waiting for the real version getting leaked ( probably after 21 july )

It still had some exciting moments though :)
haha powned :)
how do you know i taste so delicious! <3
Haha it was still fun to read.
you ate Rhand? :D
i have never read a book - how should i be able to write 1 then?
i laik your replys :>
it still contained lots of spoilers that will hapen in the real book coz the writer did some research into harry potter 7 spoilers i think;

still a waste of time though :(
need link:D if its possible in dutch
limewirez you pirate
actually she dont have sex whit Harry, they just kiss & some else stupid random stuff
harry potter sucks =(
agreed :D [im not one of them.......] :o
I am improving
When is it coming out btw? 14th of july right? Something like that..
too right
its a fake book not a spoiler pro beer
ok :) would you advice me to pre order my book? Last time there were still shit loads left at the stores Oo
J K Rowling's house is a 2 min walk from where my unlce works, i've even spoken to her before.
almost fell off my chair laughing!
books are for fags
:p I hate books, rly :s I'm too fucking adhd to read :s
yeah, there will probably be some asswipe with a car somewhere who screams out the ending of the book and drives off :DDD
well actually thats what we did last year xD
:DDd you don't have that kinda stuff in Estonia tbh, too bad, it would be funny :D
e-heroes i like that :p
Seriously dude the style of writing was nothing like Rowlings. You didnt notice anything strange at all?
I has preordered!
Coughed so hard laughing, I almost died.
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