arrow => 120 months CB ban


This definitely made my day :

Added up this user is not allowed to play until 17-06-2027 13:00 or post until 17-06-2027 13:00
Hehe, he will just spoof and get back to work!
this are 240 months
indeed same what i thougt
no proofs :D
i bet some new random swiss guy will appear soon
how ridicolous CB rly
well, obviously a typo.
wie lief klausur oder was du da hattest?
nicht besonders, hätte erwartet, dass er was anderes prüft ( nämlich das, worüber die übung eigentlich gehandelt hätte ). hab's dann nur haaalbwegs gekonnt, verloren ist zumindest noch nix...
im very happy
20 x 12 <> 120

you math noob! :O)
I know there has been a mistake with months, but it's CB problem :)
did he actually cheat or what?
Yes. He even told it a CB admin and asked 4 mercy.
where is the proof? i havent seen it before :(
ROFL that must've been funny, crying his ass off like a kid for a candy.
this is fucking lame he didnt cheat and there was no proof for cheats,
240 months ban cuz he was banned 2 times before
aaah k, didnt know that;) thanks m8
if u guys would know who from the "highskilled" clans spoofed a new guid and came back and own everything u just would laugh xD
i know a few, it's hilarious :/
I can say that also without giving any names

if you don\'t give names it looks like you talk bullshit just to act smart/informed
name them, or fuck off
need attention?
soo arrow is banned?
OOOO hope we are all safe when we go to lan, we need bodyguards infront of cpc3 so the allmighty arrow wont kill us all !!
finaly something fucking good.

image: CashFinger
hahahahahahah, die in hell peice of shit
Fuck off cb arrow je t aime
well done :) BAN ZEM ALL
iN his ass :o
that niggah told me offen he wasnt cheating such a piece of shit and sad me before how good he is
plz fuck off french nub
he's not french :<
he's from switzerland
he is cool and he dont care
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