biqq the truth !

Ehj mates after some conversations we Netherlands alternate aTTax decided to kick Germany biqq because of his retardness , he was not avi for many weeks so we dont need such lowskiller byebye biqq .

And what he telled me ... ( open ur browser -> -> PICTURES -> type :" ape" and enjoy the 4th picture ) YES IT IS BIQQ LOOOOL
hahahahhah ur profile owns

Must be really cool to play for a fake alternate attax team
we are in a trial phase so they dont have us up on the page but i know the leader and hes the best friend of my fathers friend np
lool thats the only reason they took you? :(
no we have skill weve beaten aGu in pracc so np 4 us
wow u beat low+ team
Trial ahahaha, yes then you should really boost about playing for them. I think both them and everyone else would like you to chill until its official. Atleast thats how it works for every single other person in the world in every single subject in the world.
who asked u u fucking noname ugly boy go away and fuck some punks fucking hiphop gangsta
Oh a sensitive subject? Faking to be "manager" for a mgc really is the peak of your life isnt it?
if u sit in a glasshouse u shouldn't throw with stones btw
Your calling him ugly? Look at your picture you royal dickhead.
not to be a dick about it, but you look like a tool.
no comment xD
biqq is cool! =(
So we can have him back now yes? Thank you very much...wnb
rofl omg are u damn ugly xD
WTF Im even in the wnb lineup in your wnb profile and you still insult me like the wnb you are.
damn are you ugly :X
biqq is just too cool for you.
pls give ur dog back his necklace thx.
sad puppy
max:( beetje beschaafd alsjeblieft;<
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