Last EC?

I wonder if that was last EC? Since QW coming out etc, I hope it wont but when i look at all the shit that has been going on it could be possible :<
can i touch you?
fuck cb lets make a different, beter cup without that sick cb habits. Cadred cup, et masters, dignitas cup > ec
Dont think so.. Why is everyone thinking about the death of ET while its actually just getting alive?
ye hackers in EC (and not only 1 or 2) is the resurrection of ET
I remember back in Agony Realm where FiED was talking about "playing the last EC". I think you're about as right as he came to be. And even if you would be some other organisation would host it.
i hope not?
hope not.
speaking of which; ET:QW is to be released in a couple of months and still there's no gameplay videos?
there's loads lol
again :p

u get money for this postings? :-)
im not advertising. im just posting usefull crossfire news.
RtCW had EC X way after ET got released.
As I've heard it was the so called " joke eurocup "
Everyone will be banned by CB by the next final if there is one.
QW is not playable at a competition level from what i have seen from traylers
hope there will be another one, ET is still big game @ CB
Would be sad if so, this has been the most interesting EC so far, really skilled teams at the top, and there wasnt any Idle rapage during this EC. Evolve never lost a match though, very impressive.
not the last.
I have inside info.
ET will die when rtcw2 (if the game is good) comes out, before that ull experience alot of cups :) hopefully...

ET is one of the most played game in the world afterall xD
word, i rly dubt et:qw will get much attention, from what ive seen the game is nothing like this one
4-5 more years till rtcw2, sorry.
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