Exams are OVER!!

Yes...its my last exam in 1 hours time!

After doing 10 exams for the past 3 weeks and not having time to play ET.
Although 2morrow i start working and that means no internet.

So i'll be back reading journals,columns,articles,spam,hate,jelaousy in 2 months time!

Have a great summer to all of you! :)
PS: Well done to toxic for the EC! :)

image: HP101_1889R
3 hours left

I still need to go to my Bachelor exam on friday :(
I got my first and last exam on Wednesday ;]
i got exams 26 + 27 + 9 july :X:X
Already finished them 2 weeks ago, ha!
they're not started yet here :/
me @ 3 days to go!
in 3 hours english oral :/
i don't have exam but i have this for u:


papapapap :X
Finished mine yesterday :D
cu@team malta
I was done 4 weeks ago \o/
we dont have exams @ israel /o\
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