New busted ( europe )

man i rly don't give a fuck .
any probs ?
attention whore!
turn off ur pc first of all.
Don't worry , 2 Chineses are runing in my pc , it's naturalness !
ok but dont forget to give them some biologic food!!
imo greenpeace isn't as good as they pretend to be
their goals may be good but the way they try to reach them are partly quite dubious
Do you have solutions or smthing ? Peaceful way is the good way imho !
well there were some documentaries about greenpeace where it show that they also use masses of paper for advertisment n stuff. :/
Nuclear paper ? Obviously they use paper, this paper changes opinion of ppl !
nah it was smth like they send they paper with advertisment for greenpeace to some shopping malls. the ppl didnt buy it, so they send it back to greenpeace and again an again. so they used much of fuel and much of paper for useless advertisement..
they also showed the price for all this stuff in this documentary but me cant remember
kk i'll see some documentaries , seeUsoon !
tbh greenpeace is far from peacefull: trespass, theft, constraint (?), willful damage to property, libel etc for which they have been sentenced several times
in 2004 greenpeace germany had costs of 7,7 mio € for "communication", 2,5 mio € for adverts and 26,6 mio € for campaigns; and they do not even have to pay taxes bec they are a "charitable" organisation...imo there are better ways to spend the money (f.e. donating)

thats just ridiculous
I'v: stop using alcohol.

- smoke weed
can i join?
tell me whos in
busted me!
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