I was...

..just playing pokemon red and I totally pwned this Rattata with my Bubble attack critical hit and now my Squirtle grew to lvl 9! :DD

image: pokemon
BOH show me how u get the game pmme on irc pls
omfg i loved that game <3
lol l2p, i give that rattata 3hs luger
tach me master
Pokemon on Gameboy rox!
this gameboy version of pokemons rlly owns !
best game ever <3
I had all my pokemon on level 100
I had a private pokemon level up bot :)
You must talk to some guy then streightafter fly to some islands, surf there, after there are level 100+ pokemon and if you beat them you get your hunderts of items, then you boost your pokemon with them... that's how I did it :>
i had one with lvl 245 :'P
Yeah me too, but if you fight with them once they drop back to 100 =(
so dont fight! :D
make love, no war! :P
Nice x))))))))))))))))))
do the hax for 100 rare candy's!
Need SURF first to get to the island :(
Hey /b/, I have a very serious problem. I'm fucking crying because of how stupid I am.

Okay, so my girlfriend was supposed to come over to my house today because I was going to go take her to a movie. She lives about 20 minutes away, and the movie we were supposed to see started at 4:15, which was in about 40 minutes. I figured "cool, I'll just play Pokemon while I wait".

So I'm playing Pokemon, and having a pretty damn good time. Anyway, she finally does show up, except she's crying as she walks into my room. Instead of doing the right thing by comforting her, I half-focus on my game and her. She starts telling me her cat died, and just as she was getting into it, I get into a random encounter in my game.

A shiny pidgey. Holy shit. (For those of you who don't know/care, shiny pokemon have less than a 1/1000 chance of appearing). I stare into my screen in amazement, yelling "holy shit, YES", interrupting her mid-story. She sobs more, and she starts to yell "You don't even fucking care! YOU JUST WANT TO PLAY YOUR FUCKING GAME!" I'm still looking at my screen, still focusing on catching my shiny pidgey, when she walks over, and tosses the game against the wall. I run over and pick up my DS hoping that nothing has changed on screen, and quickly noticed that she broke it. My system and my shiny pidgey, gone forever.

I start screaming every obscenity I know, and started flailing my arms around. I didn't know she was behind me, and apparently I backhanded her in the face while I was being a dumbass and swinging my fists around. She yells out "FUCK YOU", and runs out of my house in tears.

What have I done? I've fucked up so badly, and I need to know how to approach her. I don't want a game of Pokemon to be responsible for ruining my best relationship ever. Help me /b/.
i'm seriously considering of lookin for my gameboy and play pokemon old school red edition again :D
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