
im finally fedup of this microscopic funC 1030 so im thinking of buying a new one
a hard task that is !

im a lowsense and diamondback player so might go for the mantis control but my friend says it makes him sweat alot :x

i thought of buying a steelpad qck but from some reviews i hear its not so durable

i dunno abt exactmat

so tell me what do YOU think :D
well i dont know anything about mousepads :<
hope you get help :)
that was fast
so np
well, i am bored, wrote so much in last few hours, i am exhausted :<
mantis owns i have it + db
for how long? ;o
He has it for like 1 year now, I'm his brother.
lol sweet
i have a Qck+. the first weeks it works fine, but after a few weeks it has got uber much friction. My Qpad ct large should arrive here tomorrow, maybe thats another possibility ?
logitech only
I think i've still got a lot of studying to do :( and also that u should heighten ur sens and get a titan :P
take icemat
use ur left hand
corepad cloth one, very nice :) image: i_218756 (also smaller ones avi)
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