linux once again

now that ive installed ubuntu, i want to change my desktop resolution from 1024x768 to 1600x1200, but as im total noob with it and just installed it this afternoon im begging for help once more because my all-time favourite google didn't help me out this time. all you sexy hexies are given the chance right now to prove youve got the largest e-penis by helping me solve this problem :>

PS: its not in the resolutions-list, i wont make it that easy for you!
dont know anything about linux :(

smells like doubleacc :(
Check in /etc/X11/xorg.conf
cant change that file
you have to be root
but make sure you don't screw things up!!
Open the terminal and write: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf

EDIT: (Plain sudo works just as well, but gksudo is perhaps a bit more user-friendly!)
You need to specify the proper refresh rate of your monitor in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file (see ). If you need further help visit (remember to use the search option before you start a new thread). You would do yourself a favour by consulting the Ubuntu wiki, Ubuntu Guide and Ubuntu Forums regarding any future problems, instead of just asking on a site like this.
because, in contrast to reading through all the tutorials and forum threads which i've done before, this helped me some 20 minutes after posting my questions thanks to guys like you that immediately reply to my question <3
I've become oblivious to how hard it actually is to do a search for 'resolution' on the Ubuntu Wiki. Sorry, my bad, I'm out of touch with reality!
zLoL y0u d0n't r34l1z3 wha7 1t 1s l1k3 t0 b3 runn1n9 thru th3 w0rld as a c0mpl373 f00l n0t g3tt1ng anyth1ng
do you've root pw?
i shud, if u tell me where to enter, ill find out
didn't u set it at the endin of installation?
listen irZ then ;)
ubuntu doesn't have normal root system
They have some other shit, sudo or whatever.
ubuntu is, due to its debian descendance closer to the LSB (Linux Standard Base) than any popular distro u will find around (except debian ofc), ofc it has the common root account. login is only disabled cuz no root-password is set, which is easily entered by doin a "sudo su -" followed by a "passwd".
Yeye, I have no intentions to learn, nor use ubuntu so no lessions needed.
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection "Display"
Depth 16
Modes "1024x768"

For example.. or which resolution you now need.
Quoteall you sexy hexies are given the chance right now to prove youve got the largest e-penis by helping me solve this problem :>

2 bad i dont need 2 prove anything :P
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