Need help for music download

What software should i download ??

Not some beershare crap with all the spyware shite..

what do u suggest? ive used something called fireware? firewire? or something eralier, and that was ok.. anyone know what im talking about? or anything else?

thanx :>

for albums is great
for songs i have limewire (but i dont rly like it)
bearshare cracked version
i use if it doesnt help then emule
*posting a comment in your journal, to fulfil your desire*

Or you can use the google script to find music... Someone made a website where you just could fill in the song you wanted and it would search via google and you could download it. It's much safer than p2p programs, but I forgot the link :-(
you can also type ?intitle:index.of? with the name of your song + .mp3 into google and find it with luck.
Azureus is quite ok.

DL'ed (uploaded the CD's I purchased *cough*) ~400 albums last 8 months.
Soulseek for electronic and lesser known stuff
Limewire for the mainstream hits
Torrents for the albums
DC++ / revconnect
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