Cleaning mousepads

So, I'm the proud owner of a QPAD CT Medium Sens 4 mm but it has become a bit dirty, therefore I'd like to clean it.

I asked some people from Qpad how to wash them, and I received different answers:

• Washing-machine
• Some sort of Wax

Now, you can imagine I'm not sure what option I should pick. Though, I prefer the washing machine, but I'm not sure about the amount of degrees it has to be washed in.
Therefore I'd like to know if anyone of this community has ever cleaned her or his Qpad, and how. (Detailed info preferably)

Thanks in advance
clean it like a car carpet :D
Use a soft cloth, make it wet and rub hard. That would be best imo. Be careful with the top-layer or it will lose it's smooth glide.
mmh afai remember someone told to clean it only using water
ask your mum imo , she should know stuff like this
Indeed, moms knows things like this :D
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