I fucked up :/

My Results from exams for uni application in greece are in, feel free to comment

Writing/Greek: 88%
Management: 76%
Economics: 75%
Math: 63%
Physics: 55%
Statistics/Chances: 88%
Programming: 76%

because the last-exams system is really hardcore in greece however I think I fucked up for my standards (because im considered to have high skill @ school, I did stupid mistakes in math, physics and economics) . ENDGRADE that matters is 77%

k no more whine, but if the bases of the unis i wanna go to are higher than 77%, im gonna have to wait for next year to write again...
i need to get laid i know
haha, so you aint coming back? (its blizz)
maybe in september, this is greece dude, the summer is the time to go out in greece, its like Miami here where I live (near the beach, so we're talking about millions of babes coming here every summer) :)
Thought Thessaloniki was full of cars..
Thessaloniki "suburbs" baby


stil listen to them because of you!
man if i were online i would have given you my whole hd of music
:))) good old days
lol wat a shitty cycle
se 5 meres 8a er8w kato :P
Its not badd tbh
its not good enough where i want to go(rond de 80 % heb ik ong nodig, is niet cker, de basisen zijn nog niet uit, tot augustus moet ik w88)
Serious m8 its pretty good

i hope you will get into the uni gl <3
when u coming to greece btw? :D
vacation in greece where i live is worth all that dude.
Maybe u afraid of getting culture+temperature shock
nice results
43 Celsius @ Saturday !!!
where do u live mate? :)
it's lwo btw
Writing/Geek: 88%
That is so utterly stupid and obvious and i still had to laugh >_<
it's not bad, why u whine?
Maybe because he aimed at 77%

to go to the best uni :P
GREEK EXAMS SYSTEM SUX fdsfsdfdsggsgsg
well in what uni wanna go?
Summer in Greece is sooo awesome try to enjoy it and forget about exams....although your marks are pretty good :)

btw this is my first post on xfire for a long long time :)
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