Last man standing

So I'm working at this company on the Financial Administration section via my school (in dutch it's 'stage', don't know the english word, maybe training period) together with 2 other guys from my school.

Last week 1 of them got fired and this morning the 2nd guy was told to not come back anymore oO'

So that makes me the last man standing from all the guys from my school working here :o

I still got 3 more weeks before I finish here so I shouldn't even be posting this on crossfire xD

Wish me luck!
GL man! ;)
grrrr, 2 seconds faster ^^
IncluDe on 21/06/07, 14:38:14

spree. on 21/06/07, 14:38:42

Not rly xD
IncluDe on 21/06/07, 15:38:14

spree. on 21/06/07, 15:38:16

yes rly xD

edit: maybe u see that coz i made an edit later...

edit2: check my 2nd post, ur talking about my reply, that's later, first i made the general post in this journal...
you sir, are a retard
Good luck man !!
If you get fired, just kick him in the nuts!!
I think I'll be arrested then upon being fired xD
Just kick the police in the nuts then ;)

stage = training period?
Thank you stef!
Could be :o
You're a real killerboy aren't you!
Well, it's your name, so you tell me...
Sinner sounds cool tbh
Quoteguy was told to not come back anymore

lol, pretty harsh xD
He was told he was the worst one they'd ever had aswell :P
tbh just take sinner without capitals or random numbers in it, looks stupid ^^
Rainerstoff or Pansemuckl!
gl. stay friendly and smile ftw
the English translation of "stage" is internship
Good luck hope!
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