To be honest, I'm rather afraid of a World War Three breaking out very soon. The tensions between North-Korea and America are reaching abnormal heights, and Russia is threatening Europe and America now too. Poland says it's prepared to die for the fact that they want more power in the European Union.

If the tensions keep growing, WW3 is breaking out for sure, I will be fighting for the Dutch army then. Will you guys join the army, and if yes, what army?

There are always falls of civilisations... We could be very close upon this happening and the start of a new civilisation...

Edit: Forgot the Middle-East ofcourse ^^
Iran is threatening with nuclear weapons, and Israel wants to run over Iran, which will result in Iran fireing his nuclear weapons at Europe and America, since it has nothing to lose... And then you have the HAMAS, which has taken over the gaza line now :S
I suggest fighting the WW3 online
austrian army. We try to defend our immunity... atl least for a few days ^^
That's what Aristoteles and Einstein said, and to be honest, I totally agree...
I suggest we start a Crossfire.com army witch captain Anonymous Loekino and pownator teh whole world!
United Kingdom United States of America France Germany will pwn all!
I doubt it will break out, but if it does I will fight for Bosnia, as well for the ex-Yug countries, if they are being attacked.

Edit: If it does, you can say bibuy to humanity, because all those brainless mofo's will start throwing nuclear stuff on each other.
Agree, but then again, there are always falls of civilisations... Why wouldn't this be just a new beginning?
The earth would be fucked up then, because of all the nuclear stuff.
I'm sure humanity will develop something to kinda temper that. By the way, there are only few people alive then, so you don't need all the space of the world to rebuild your civilisation again then.
nice to be neutral, dont need to suffer much from the faults of others.
Malta can come pwn with us np
by join you mean? take malta as a colony again :D?
if u see a nuke comming your way just jump in your fridge and you will live.

true fact
if i survive, np, more stories for a new shooter
Yea, but which army you're gonna fight in, or don't you join an army?
dunno, just w8 for a pm
What do you mean, pm in like a pm from the army?
ill tell you when they are about to shoot one because i use wallhack and can see them from my house
Bill Hicks: Anyone.....DUMB ENOUGH....to wanna be in the military....should be allowed in.
That's a stupid quote tbh. You can join the army at so many professions, why the fuck would you only fight. I mean, you can even be cooking in the army...
Maybe you don't know who Bill Hicks is....he's a comedian!
I don't care who it is, I guess most ppl in here don't know who he is, so maybe the message is interpreted wrong then...
W/E you want, tbh, I don't give a shit, I just give my opinion...
If you wanna fight for your country, does that automaticly mean that you have to join the army?
Luckily ET:QW will have a single player option
sure man

and btw they are playing chess atm so nothing to worry about
Fuck I have army 9.7.07 :(
Well if war is comming I will fight for nobody, they can fight who ever they want. Fucking tards.
i won a table football cup at college =[
blame poland!
nah they want to take control over whole UE, and want to start a new ww again!!1 dirty fags
O'rly? ......
Not only bush, all the power-loving leaders of the world... They're all out for only one thing, and that is POWER!!!
Why would I even care about that war? Don't have any connections with any of these shit countries. If that happens, I can only wish good luck to sensy, LION & crozz at army!
You should care about that war since nuclear weapons are involved. This could mean the end of civilisation...
Care again, I won't be the only one who ll die then.
It's a lie if you say you don't care about that...
Not really... for e.g. if entire civilization in the world disappears why would I care? Besides, I live in kinda safe country, so they wouldn't attack this part of Europe. Doubt someone has probs with Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, Montenegro, Serbia... nP
In case of a nuclear war you would have to deal with the consequences too. And did you think of economies too? Your country is just as relative to the world economies as any other country. Trust me, in case of a WW3, you're screwed too.
blame the jews imo
says a jew ^^
because its true our fucking goverment will ruin the world with these stupid politics and the araabs like an retards alway want a war so there is nothing we can do
That's true, but Israel (and the other middle-east countries) aren't the only ones fucking it up.
The cause is religion. The cause of almost all the wars in the world. The reason so many Americans are in support of such a war is because they think that means Jesus is going to come back and take them all to heaven. :-\
Sweden will pwn all. Nearly every soldier got an aimbot!
Iran sould be nuked off the global map,a country who's developing a nucler power in the one hand and in the other hand pays for a global terror is the country who will make our world that kind of place that you just cant live at.
You, and anyone who blindly agrees with you...is just an idiot.
Sure,then mr.max tell us what is right to do,watching the wolrd geting nuked? come on , show some skillz besides making moviez.
QuoteSure,then mr.max tell us what is right to do,watching the wolrd geting nuked? come on , show some skillz besides making moviez.

Here's the problem. What you seem to be doing is unbelievably ASSUMING that if Iran gets nuked off the planet, that'll be it? Everything will be hunky-dory?

Although this doesn't surprise me when it's coming from a Jewish person...a completely biased point of view by the way. So, it was okay for Israel to receive weapons from America to continue their illegal occupation of Lebanon? But it's not okay for Iran to aid Hezbollah in defending themselves against the Israelis?

Who are the real terrorists here? The truth is most people think Israel is the terrorist state, not Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation...and as long as that continues...there WILL BE a backlash from the Islamic world of any nuclear attack against Iran.

Did you know who helped Iran start their nuclear weapons program in the 1950's? You guessed it, The United States. Iran were a pro-US country up until the Iranian Revolution.

I'm reflecting on what I just wrote and wondering if it's worth it at all because someone who thinks we should just go in and nuke the lot of them isn't worth paying attention to. I guess that's how Jewish and Christian think when they believe their life is of more worth than that of a Muslim.
bush is doing the same thing, but that doesnt mean we should nuke the USA of the map
no. i will sit in my private bunker, playing et.
all xfire spammers have a very important role then when the war breaks out :>
must attack enemys websites and spam the shit out of the website...

like russia did it when in estonia were the disorders in april made by the russians then estonian government websites were attacked(from russian government IPs and also civil computers)...

internet wars will begin!
lol ur rly dumb ;x
The members of the European Union should start building bombshelters and let the others just bomb eachother to death. We seem to be the only sane people left. (poland =! european union :P)

And i blame the bush administration tbh, clinton was a great president regarding foreign politics. Nations like North-Korea and Russia used to be condamned by the all other nations if they started acting agressive. But now that the USA started showing disrespect to all other nations, it is not surprisingly that it has spread to other nations aswell.

Europe + clinton formed a strong team that preached peace imo.
i wouldnt join the army unless i had something i believed enough in to actually fight for.

which atm i dont have :)

What difference will a foot-soldier make in a nuclear war anyway?
After 4 years of intensive medic training i'll be a medic.
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