me @ noob again

ofcourse i was so stupid to open some link yesterday so i had a virus on my computer..jeej!

anyways, now i installed windows again with disc, and everything is okay after i deleted the 15 trojan horses that where on my computer :d

But my computer runs very slow now..and it doesnt detect the programmes that are still on my computer. What i mean is that my comp is still full with stuff from before the new windows install, but the new one doesnt see it, how to make this mix together again? And why is my computer so slow atm?

Oh, and i have 40GB music on my comp (thank god i didnt lose that) i would like to create a backup of to do that?

im amazingly noob with computers, so explain it clear pls :D


edit: my screen is kinda blurry too
LoL , just reboot from the cd

then do a full format
did you actually read my post

i did the first thing, and why the fuck would i do a format
Hmm, did you make backups of your registery keys

before you did the format?

Start--->run--> regedit
muz, stfu, she said she's a total pc noob
tbh do what muz said, or just do a system restore from the day before you clicked that link.


Click Start.


Point to All Programs.


Point to Accessories.


Point to System Tools.


Click System Restore.


Follow the instructions on the wizard.
cant do that...cant select days from before the virus
anyways, now i installed windows again with disc, and everything is okay after i deleted the 15 trojan horses that where on my computer :d

But my computer runs very slow now..and it doesnt detect the programmes that are still on my computer. What i mean is that my comp is still full with stuff from before the new windows install, but the new one doesnt see it, how to make this mix together again? And why is my computer so slow atm?

But why do you keep cliking on prOn links, PhAz? :< jij weet het nu!
was through msn :<
1) copy the music to an external hdd.
2) take a (very) big electromagnet and bring it near your hdd. be sure to remove the external drive first. careful, you can kill yourself with those things!
3) format and install windows again (better: linux)
Ehrm, dear hi2u, rofl @ nr2...
We did this at the pc shop i worked at once, and the HardDisk was completely fucked up...
You can just do a low-level format by making a floppy with HardDisk software from the HardDisk manufacturer, and then boot it on startup. It had the same effect, but without the big risk that you fuck your HardDisk up...
dear spree, you're great
<3 wanna make love with me on a roof and fall down from it?
ahmm .. I'm pretty conservative when it comes to such things, so no :-p
:< but i thought u said i'm great :'(
yea, and now? :-<
and now we still have to make love, only cuz of the fact that ur like uberhawt ^^
you cant make love over the internet :-(

well actually some people do, but it's no good
who said we'd make love on the internet ;)
I don't know you :D

sleeping now, bb
:) Trust me, if we make love, you'll never forget me again (you'll know me forever then ^^)

good night, sleep well :>
i never thought of searching for a virus...i always searched other ways to get my stable 125 fps in et again -_- but didnt work out
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