ETQW 4newbies

The legendery map maker and tweaker United States of America Infurita has been busy at work bringing his site up to date with all you need to know on ETQW. From individual CVARS to scritping if you are into ETQW its definately work checking it out.

Im sure you all remember RTCW4newbies etc

ETQW 4newbies

and yes you can play with a dot as crosshair :D
Nice! And now obtain me a key, bully! :D
register to fileplanet free and wait for next key release :D
Done a week ago. And I hate waiting. :/
you can have my login details if you want, for the beta.
I would be your slave, if you would share it to me.
<3 Bulldog
bull come irc i need correct download link for the game :< cant find it
outstanding work!
need key
omg omg omg.. this waiting takes so long!!!:<
Haha nice the new tweaking config site :)))
BULLLLLLDOOOOOG like allways very impressife..

miss you. hope to see you when i am back (if i come back)
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