Girl loses feet in rollercoaster

Owned to be honest.
Then again, think it would happen to you. You just go on a nice holiday trip to the amusementpark, you go in a rollercoaster, and after a few seconds, suddenly, SPLAT, you lost your feet. I would be like, wtf, where are my feet, zomg, loekino didn't steel 'em did he? O NOES, THEY'RE DOWN THERE!!! AAAARGH!!!

Discuss & Release The Flame!!!

image: ikra-03-feet-l
if you think about it, its better to lose legs than hand, without legs you can still play @ pc
wtf, how did this happen?
I always go there to lose my feet
i always go there to lose my head
Jou iz have no het et al!
Ye, i already lost it
i walk around like i got a s on my chest!
what actually happened then?
Not really, but my sandwich is too good to let this ruin my appetite!
I bet it wasn't the ride that caused it, but some psycho axe killer who sneaky cut of her feet at the highest point
maybe a manicure?
nice i was just eating a bacon sandwich
thats rather odd... cant really see how that could happen unless she bent her legs so far back they got caught on something on the way up/down
cmon im eatin here
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