Your emotions

image: explorationbk4

Edit: I posted this up in the forums too, because journals always are gone soon!!!

Hi all,

First of all, to clear it all up, I wrote this journal because I was bored...

Subject: Your emotions during gametime


When I started ET for the first time, I was a complete newb. I knew nothing about games and gaming, and it was a whole new experience for me. One to never forget again.

When I entered the game, I walked around and started shooting random stuff (including teammmates). Then, when I killed an opponent, and I heard the words "Great Shot!", I had this indescribable feeling. It was kind of like a feeling of power, it gave me this adrenaline rush. Immediately I was hooked. Now, after 4 years, I still play ET, and I can't let go. Several times I have tried to quit ET, but I just can't, I'm emotionally too attached to it.

These days, I just play ET for fun. Well, actually, fun is the wrong word (since that "fun" factor is screwed up by the big amount of cheaters). I play it because I need to (it's some kind of addiction).

Research shows us that many people feel heavy emotions during gametime, but lose a part of their emotions in real life. I noticed this on myself too. Sometimes, when I get involved in a fight, I can't be arsed to care who and how I damage someone. I didn't have this before I started gaming.

These days I can handle my gaming addiction very good next to my real life, but still it keeps bothering me somehow. I don't like the fact that I lose my emotions in real life because of some stupid game, but on the other hand, this same fact gives me some kind of rush, plus I don't care in real life anymore of what I do.

Look at Jack Thompson. For the people who don't know who this is, Jack Thompson is a prosecutor, mainly prosecuting game developers. This guy is fiercely against violent gaming, and will do everything to get violent games banned from the market. Sometimes I'm wondering, could this guy actually be right? I mean, look at the increased violence in the new pepsi-generation. If you play a violent game, you are interacting with this game. This interaction makes you make choises, choises that have to be thought about. If a game looks so realistic, that you almoast can't seperate it from reality, and you would still make that awfull choise (like raping someone), would it be easier for you in real life too then?

People often say: "If gaming influences you, then why don't movies have the same effect?". I have a simple answer to this. During gametime, you are interacting with your game. In a movie you aren't. In a movie the choises are already made for you, in a game they aren't, you have to make the choises yourself.

I wonder, did you have the same feeling when you played ET for the first time? And do you have less emotions in real life now?



Edit: I posted this up in the forums too, because journals always are gone soon!!!

image: colorsqh5
it is worth giving up, trust me
I just paly if for fun and I quit whenever I want :)
That's what I thought too, until I tried. 6 months max, then you're hooked again...
get rl :o)
btw it was released in 2003 right? so i think your playing it 4 years max ;)
I have rl, that's the problem, I can't seem to deal with it anymore in tense situations...
ET is 4 years old. But i agree :<
I'll never forget the days, you played with krauts. It was always nice to play with you! :D
whaha, the same ^^

i was (and still am) one big whining cunt though xD (I loooooove whining!)
hmm when i try and quit ET i always seem to come back to it, partly because its my first real online game i played so theres always that sense of not being bothered to learn how to play another game an become good at it. However i wouldn't say i was addicted to ET, no way, gaming doesn't affect my rl one bit. I've got a good balance, mostly RL atm an i'm happy with that so its all good :>
aight, thats nice to hear :)
well...somehow yes

i never recognized that my emotions are going back in reallife...i just get some of them back when i am together with my girlfriend, but i just dont know why

you are right with the quitting stuff...i also wanted to quit et like 5 times but i never could. i just watched all the great fragmovies and wondered: "can i be so good like them? could i be one of the pros? come on...lets have a try!" but i never got pro at all.

now this game is only just like spending some of my freetime on it, nothing more. maybe only for fun but to be honest, its not about fun somehow...its more like i WANT to spend my time in front of the pc.
dude, you exactly described what i meant :D

ps. you are pro :O i saw that movie of you, and i was like WTF he has good aim :O
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