why do i need a key?

I don't have friends and im afraid too go outside, i need a new game for this cuz my w:et carrier is over(2goodnp4me) so why not: lets try a new game!


image: xfirelogo_large
I sold my key for 50 euro's to my neighbour, because I think the game sucks
thx 4 zeh info
if u give me a key ill play with u and protect u from ur freinds! u could go out and be with me @ the beach with s3boy aswell!
afaik you can make 2 accounts with every key?
give me account? :<
sorry, frozz is playing till 21u00. Rimi will probably take over at that time, while i play a few ET mixes. At 23u00 i will paly paly till 01u00 and dream will take over till early morning :/
All this scum using my key.
Can you play online at the same time?
We tried connecting using the same account, and ofc the account that was already connected disconnected.

I have never been kicked for any other reason, so afaik you can use 2 accounts from 1 cdkey at the same time. Could just be lucky that the other guy using the same cdkey hasnt played yesterday? Dunno who I am sharing my cdkey with ;) Afaik if we knew we were sharing the same cdkey we could hack each other accounts and change the pwd? Havent tried a pwd reset yet ;)
ov3rdr1ve you name in game for et:qw?
suck my kahunau fucktard...
We have a winner !
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