[ET:QW] :-D

Finland I need a beta key because I'm a serious gamer and I have nothing to do and I'd spend a vast majority of my time playing the beta.

I have a unique play style in every FPS I play, and I'm a specialist in scoped weapons, I could give an educated review and ideas/bugfixes/balancefixes on those ;) If I would've beta tested ET, there would be way more interesting class combos in serious games than 3medics, 2fops and a rifler - I have a good eye on what's a powerful and useful weapon and what is not.

Also I am passionate enough to write this and even think about my grammar so you see I'm excited about this and want to paly paly (and betatest!!) :)
give this man a key
:-) Hi2u svenskapojkken
Also give Sweden Morin a key, his Anonymous bass voice will make everyone horny @ TS!
Shit isn't the darkest thing that happens then, tbh.
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