qw problem...

hi all

after i started et:qw for first time, i startet the good old ET again, then my Firewall pops up with PunkbusterA.exe and PunkbusterB.exe wanna access to the internet.

Is that a new Punkbuster tool specially for quakewars or what?

thx in advance.
no it is for punkbusted streamed server imo
nothing special just accept it
kk thx for the help :)
that's the punishment for playing that crap of ET:QW
It used to be some beta version (maybe final now ?) of punkbuster which runs as service in windows, which means you don't need administration rights to make pb to work.. or whatever.
According to pb the beta is limited to persons who signed up for it... how i got it while playing cod2 is a miracle to me.

Anyway to remove it:


Run that program en press uninstall or do what Lightning said (however that doesn't remove some files from the system32 dir) ;p

(c) someone in another journal

you are right my friend, check down :)
(00:11:12) (@snausages) punkbuster runs as a service now
(00:11:18) (@snausages) so you can run games that use it without needing admin rights
(00:11:33) (@snausages) vista requires this, and it's better practice generally

on the official #etqwbeta channel.
also it creates spikelag for some in ET np4punbkuster
but if you kill the process after starting qw you wont get laggs imo ...
yep, you will get kicked for packetloss and just can't play
but no lags! :)
better to remove it when you have admin rights tbh
sooooo to fix laggs and dont gettin kicked for packet logs, JUST KILL the PROCESS ? :DD.d.:D:D
no, you get kicked from the servers for packetloss if you kill the process, I just said that in my last reply.
ye ye but i was to tired to get your point :p but now finally i got it :DD:D:DD
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