juhannus vittuut

¨duues u are all fcking nolife just go out an drink a litttle and sget stonee dlike shitda,m mit fees good dudes. jsut try it udes, some beers and vodka np4evervyoddy dudes. go out D::D:D
Dude you dont need to go out for some vodka and beer

just open a pornwebsite and drink vodka same effect.

NO NOT RLY uehuehauh
dude just het sombeer an vodka n chicks, np4u dides
d00d just sm0k3 p0t and g0 th0 th3 h00k3rs
hehe dudde jsut go iouit some hcikt there ghet drunken vdoka mn suff. due ur solett then hey, come wiht me dude.
You are underaged, someone should inform his parents or some social workers.
oah pls fukcking nolive go cut urslef n styff pls. u are ski sgut, go out and styop
dude playing uicking pc all time
Seriously, someone should inform your parents about your habits and get you to proper rehabilitation, alcohol isnt meant for kiddies.
im so sorry dude im almksot 18 pls... fucking urself there
Like it counts. Almost 18 =/= 18
Petrip do you really believe he is drunk?

fake xd
hehe i woulkdnt wite this if i wasnt edrukn :D
i gto sleep now, ci tmorrow mates.
stfu shitty, you cant be stoned from booze as i allready said 3 times
RMJ is almost on our backyard, Not needed to pay a shit for music :o
(RMJ =Rauman Meren Juhannus = music festival)
:DD "bcak form t3h culb"-journal @ 1.17, really pathetic
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