another goddamn quali test

Yeye, I know, I sent in something almoast similar to this a few days ago. It's a quali test from Ins' movie. Changed several settings though, AND, added a new Goldrush part (which fucking p00ns everybodys arse tbh). Added in a crosshair (which is still showing at the end of goldrush, when Ins dies, fixed that already in vegas...).

Enjoy, and c&c plz, thanks in advance

ps. all the flaming kiddos, go f4ck urself

Added in two links, in case that one doesn't work for you...

link 1:

link 2:

ps. There is no syncing yet (well, at least NOT in the goldrush frag), this is simply because of the fact that I haven't got enough frags avi'ed yet...

Here are some screenshots from the qualy test, so you can decide wheter it's worth downloading or not.

image: madsmovie1la8
image: madsmovie2xj2
image: madsmovie3id1
61 mb :o
its like 2 minutes or smth, so yeh...
Oki ill wach it tommorow, its 3:40 here, gn:)
gn man, 2:40 here, i'm off to bed in a few minutes too :>
good night :) sleep well :) dream of these:

image: peanut
Aight, tell me whatcha think when you watched it, cuz I don't wanna sleep b4 some 1 told me. Going to brush my teeth now, cya in 2 minutes :P
lol for me it takes 25mins 2 dl it, how long is it ?
ofc there is a 2nd link which you can also take...

its 2 minutes long, 61 mb, its just a quali test :)
looks like there is a bit too much glow on sw_gr (atleast, on the screenshot)
A bit less fov. A bit brigther and a bit more colorful. But it looks pretty good imo.
Downloading, just because it's my inseh<3333

Hmm, intro seemed kinda pointless, u said no sync so i won't say nothing there, quality is ok and ofc the frags are pwnage cos it's ins!

I don't know what else to comment on 8<
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