jumpstyle GAYEST


( Meez ) Faffelment take your jumpstyle shit and gtfo my internets
( Meez ) seriously that shit is gayer than breakdancing, except breakdancing actually had some talent and was fun to watch
( Meez ) this just makes me want to desecrate my optical nerve with a blunt pencil
( Meez ) im suprised the people wenrn't yellin' at them and their faggotry way with what might be decent music but totally spoilt by the total retardation that is "jumpstyle"


ps: i think this is the shit that they used to create the black-smoke-monster in lost, they just forced this video upon a regular human who after about 10 minutes of watching gave up hope and began to melt, soon after he would form into black-smoke-monster

pps: why am i tired, 12 hours awake after 12 hours sleep... not fair :<
fuk off n.ig-ga, jumpstyy owns!
Quote by Meez[Jumpstyle] just makes me want to desecrate my optical nerve with a blunt pencil
looks funny ;) i guess they like to entertain spectators... you shouldin't be so negative about it.
anyone else read the first word and think of "flatmate" ?
actually that first song is quite nice.. ( not talking about the retarded moves of those kiddies )
it's Dj Coone - The Return

rly nice track
if smb needs it -pm me ;)
is that what u do all the time in sweden xD?
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