et:qw error

Server Error

ACK! There's been some sort of error with the contest or poll that you tried to submit.

An admin has been notified and someone will be looking into this shortly.

:< sad panda



GOT THE KEY np4me 10x for help :P
just keep trying
i have one
:) i get this 2
ive refreshed like 100 times now. still nothing
ffs doesn't work. sad panda. :<
i got the same problem :'<

Edit: maybe they're out of keys :<
I just kept trying and I finally got one. :P
keep trying i got 2
ffs i hate fileplanet xD
im sure ive tried 1000 times :<
in your face(es) ! :D
Need fast DL link! Ø:O
(@adman) Both the "ACK" error and the hardware gating error are being caused the database load being too high. They're working on it.
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